
Stepping Into a Frameless Life

Supporting a soul stamina retreat in Bali this past autumn taught me a lot about myself: who I am, what I do, what I feel, how I think. These are all aspects of who I am and it is important to honor all of me and not to look outside of myself for answers. “Soul stamina is what it takes to live an unapologetic life full of inspiration, acceptance and truth no matter what you are being asked to experience. Soul stamina is the natural courage and confidence that never leaves you and remains with you every day in your life. Its purpose is to show you that you are perfectly designed, and each life experience brings forth the most powerful self. Soul stamina is the ability to connect with the phenomenal amount of energy inside of you so that it can gush up spontaneously to restore, replenish and recharge you.” ( My biggest realization that came to me as I explored this area of soul stamina is that “I matter.” During the retreat I learned about living a life from a frameless place. I discovered that I framed myself based on what I was told or taught: how to act, how to think, who to love, who not to love, what was acceptable, proper among many other frames. First of all it is important to ask yourself where your frames comes from: your past, religion, parents, teachers, authority figures, society, the media, peers. Are these frames a true representation of who you really are? Do you feel stifled in any way? Have you bought into what people told you about you? Do you have beliefs that no longer serve you? What does living a frameless life mean? For me, I went on self-exploration journey to excavate my inner-framed world to discover what I call spiritual principles. I contemplated the following questions: What drives me and what do I desire? These two questions allowed me to tap into my inner desires. What I found out is that I desire connection, choice, compassion and truth. Being authentic – walking my talk, living with honor, compassion and soul evolution are all my desires, truth being my main principle. Asking these two questions led me to look at my relationships and where I was not speaking my truth. I found a place of “hold back” whereby I rescued others therefore not allowing them to have their feelings because of my own discomfort. I also found that I held back my wisdom because in my past I made the assumption that I would be judged for my spiritual beliefs. In living from truth my other principles support me in sharing my gifts with the world. I then developed spiritual practices to support my principles. These rituals or actions, that I incorporate into my daily living, honour my principles which are unique to my own desires and to what drives me. I decided to meditate every morning using deep connective breathing in order to center and ground myself. I journal every evening in celebration of me, recognizing my brilliance, looking at what worked, where I spoke my truth and made choices that support me in the truth of who I am. What practices can you put into place that support your principles obtained from your own personal self- exploration? Living a frameless life comes from our source connection, which lies within each of us. In living a frame filled life we put our power into the hands of others. In doing so, we can often be disappointed or limit ourselves in some way by giving our own personal power away. Looking at my life experiences in the past I realized I was looking outside of myself for answers and for approval. Connecting to divine source, that lies within me, allows me to tap into my truth therefore living a frameless life, being authentic in all of who I am. (If you are interested in the Bali Spiritual Retreat please go to ( You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You were not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly! -Rumi

The Miracle of Bali

A Bali experience…

How does one begin to describe the miracle called Bali?

UntitledMy seven-day retreat for a tangible experience of the divine started with a visit to Tirta Empul, which is a holy spring water temple. Each spout has a different symbolism and meaning. The first spout cleansing and purifying of the aura, then separate spouts for each of the chakras, then love, gratitude, masculinity, femininity, and an amazing blast of water called the royal flush. As cool holy water washed over my body I felt all impurities being washed away being replaced with pure love leaving me clean, clear and rejuvenated. I experienced meditating at Gunung Kawi, Bali’s 11th century temple of royal tombs carved in stone cliffs. As I took the 210 steps down into the temple I could feel the energy building inside of my body vibrating reaching the base of the temple. Meditating in front of the carved tombs was extremely powerful with visions, colors and intuitive messages coming through me.

IMG_1817 (1)Day two was with a renowned Balinese master healer. I felt his serge of energy down my spine as he explored certain points on my body with his physical touch and unseen abilities. I felt different areas of my body respond in pain. He shared with me information regarding my pancreas. “No more sugar” he tells me and off he goes to his garden and comes back with herbs for me to eat. Not the best tasting, but miraculously when he retested the pain was gone!!! He then turns and looks at me …… no …… he looks through me and tells me to let go of my stubbornness!!! Then shares that my complaining isn’t supporting me either. I had nowhere to go, as I knew exactly what he was talking about.

I am in awe of the High Priestesses’ from days three and four. Clearing out all that no longer serves to permit more light and love to come in was life changing. One of the High Priestesses channeled Quan Yin, the bodhisattva associated with compassion as she danced around each of us as we meditated. Her movements were so ethereally graceful. I felt Spirit talking to me through her. “Ok, I am ready and willing to hear you.” I thought, I am truly sorry for all the times Spirit has spoken to me through others and I chose not to listen to the messages. Another High Priestess’ pure chant brought such a high vibration as she poured Holy water on me. My body literally vibrated releasing what felt like years of impurities. In meditation she spent moments with each person offering her angelic touch in the silence. Words alone cannot express the depth and purity of knowing my vibration had shifted, love and more love emanating through every cell of my being. I felt such a calmness throughout my body, so serene.

In the next venture of my tangible connections with the divine, I found myself in a heavenly float, feeling light and one with myself, as the magic of sound healers nourished my soul. So it was no accident when in the sound energy and rebirthing pool exercise my heart cracked open in an instant, wider than I’ve ever felt. Feeling the gap, that no-thing place. Nothing mattered. Pure bliss.

BaliThe journey and those I shared it with are forever in my heart. I feel love and joy for Bali as she held me during this experience. I felt I found a home.

I have learned that we are always held in the Divine energy. And everything happens in Divine order. We are not broken and do not need fixing! All the answers are within. My greatest learning was taking responsibility in finding that “I” was in my own way. My greatest gift is knowing that “I” have all that I need to step into my brilliance!

Do you own your brilliance?

About Wendy

I am an Integrative Coach, Registered Massage Therapist, and Reiki practitioner. I've done my work to step out of my darkness into the light. I am committed to my spiritual practice and continuing education, as helping others to heal and grow is my passion… my gift.